Psalm 133:1

Behold, how good and how pleasant it is for brethren to dwell together in unity

BBB (2)

Our Vision

To unite and cultivate real relationships, while inspiring fellowship and accountability.

Our Mission


To promote mentoring opportunities that lead to significant relationships and accountability.


To become a supportive environment that touches the lives of brothers.


To provide a series of events that will promote fellowship, outreach and evangelism.


To unite brothers in prayer, ministry and accountability.

Who we are as brothers

We are husbands, fathers, providers and brothers making a difference!

About Us

We are a brotherhood of men building up each other to achieve all of the God given talent that He has instilled in us!

Message from the founder

Why we do what we do!

Brothers Building Brothers is an organization that builds healthy relationships by providing encouragement, support, and accountability to assist men through life.
We model the A B C's of life.
A-We accept you the way you are.
B- We believe that you are valuable.
C- We care when you hurt.
We are Brothers Building Brothers!
Pastor M.K. Carter
Contact us to be a part of something great!

partnerships & healing

We are here to help elevate you to another level, because we are Brothers Building Brothers!
