Programs & Projects

March 13th 2021

Open House 2021

Open House 2021 is to announce and bring awareness to Brothers Building Brothers, at this forum you will learn  Who we are, Our Passions, Our Direction, Our Mission, Our Vision. We will discuss topics that men that me are concern about, also we will discuss topics that MEN DON’T WANT TO TALK ABOUT BUT NEED TO HEAR and so much more!

Zoom ID 330-330-2014

PW: 2115

Proverbs 27:17

As iron sharpens iron,
so one person sharpens another

Coming Soon

Brothers Huddle/ Bible Study

Come learn the word of God from a manly perspective!

CoNming Soon

BBBM Annual Golf Tournament

Come Golf with us and show off those Tiger Woods like Skills.

Coming Soon

BBBM Holiday Basketball Tournament

Who got game, come out and show us what you got!

Our Projects

Brothers Building Brothers are always working on something!

Charity Dinner

Volunteer meeting

School Mentorship

Your Generous Gift Will Bring Joy And Purpose To those we HELP!


No gift is to large or small, give today!


With times being the they are now you never know who is in need of a food donation, please give TODAY!


Help us to mentor a young child today.


Tools for living a legacy for your family


Educate yourself on the things you love to do!


Information on Covid-19

Become a Volunteer

Together We Can Change The World!
